
Jataka Tales Series

About Jātaka Tales Chronicled in the Sutta Piṭaka of the Tipiṭaka (the Pāli Canon), the Jātakas are a collection of 547 stories about the Buddha’s past lives. In previous births, the Buddha was known as the Bodhisatta (Buddha-to-be). The Bodhisatta’s great compassion and deep wisdom is displayed throughout these inspirational stories. These are also incredible stories of growth and development as the Bodhisatta cultivated the Ten Pāramīs (Great Qualities & Perfections) in tremendous ways. Life after life He selflessly gave all things including His life, limbs and all belongings to accumulate the requisites for Buddhahood. In these Jātakas stories, many characters that associated with the Bodhisatta also appeared during the Buddha’s time. After countless eons of growing and cultivating the Ten Pāramīs, the Bodhisatta took his final rebirth in Lumbini, Nepal in 563 BCE as Prince Siddhattha. Later at the age thirty-five, He became the Buddha, the fully Self-Enlightened One. The Buddha
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